We FIX The Disabled Windows Computer's Others Can't


No Subscriptions, No Gimmicks, No Techs


To donate your computer call Garth Godwin at 303-949-8862 for details.

The Westminster 7:10 Rotary Club is concerned with activities focused on the local community and includes hands-on programs such as volunteer reading programs in elementary schools, collecting used computers and donating them to needy students, (our signature program which, to date, has donated over 6,000 computers), park cleanup programs, and the collection and distribution of food baskets. It also includes fundraising efforts that, through the club's foundation, support a wide variety of good works, with a major emphasis on supporting youth in the community.

C4K (Computers for Kids) is a program that provides computers to local students who don't have a computer in their home. Other projects include Thanksgiving Gift Baskets, Have A Heart clothing donations, Dictionary distribution to local 3rd grade students, Open World Russian exchange program, and High School Exchange Student programs, among others. Click on the links listed here to see the details.

7:10 Rotarians award the 8,000th computer to a local Westminster student.